
Blankline Intelligence

Blankline Intelligence is the private intelligence system that operates powerful generative models right at the core. Blankline approach to privacy, which means that the least information possible is shared with anyone.


Blankline Intelligence is designed to protect your privacy at every step. With groundbreaking secured cloud compute, Blankline Intelligence can utilize larger server-based models running on secured cloud servers to handle more complex requests while safeguarding your privacy. Blankline Intelligence remains aware of your incoming and outgoing requests, prioritizing high-security connections.

Why we need this?

When we started this project, our primary goal was to prioritize user privacy. That's why we implemented Blankline Intelligence, across our apps which enhances security by adding an extra layer of protection to your conversations. When you delete a chat, it is permanently removed, ensuring complete control over your data. Explore our Privacy Policy to learn more about our commitment to safeguarding your information.

How exactly does this work?

Blankline Intelligence can understand and simplify sentences to make them comprehensible to the models we use. It currently monitors our services and secures the requests and responses we receive and send. Across our apps, Blankline Intelligence enhances security by adding an extra layer of protection to your conversations. We are continuously working on updates to expand and improve these capabilities.

Blankline Intelligence Version: V.1.0.8

Blankline Intelligence is built to protect your privacy every step of the way. It can access larger server-based models running on secure cloud servers to handle more complex requests while keeping your information safe.